Rechenmauer mit 3 oder 4 Grundsteinen

Description of the model

Rechenformat zum Üben des Minusrechnens in zwei Varianten. Zwei nebeneinanderliegende Trauben werden subtrahiert und das Ergebnis in die Traube darunter gelegt.


English Version:


Arithmetic format for practicing minus arithmetic in two variants. Two adjacent grapes are subtracted and the result is placed in the grape below.

Printing instructions and tips




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  • Fullscreen
  • Wireframe
  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Rotation
  • Screenshot
  • Help


  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
  • Zoom with the scroll button.
  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

Additional Models

  • Rechenmauer_4Steine.stl
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