Rules of the game six out

The principle of the game is very simple. Each player gets an equal number of sticks (so with 6 players a maximum of 6 sticks). The dice are rolled in turns, the youngest player starts.

In the first round, each player may roll the dice only once. For example, if the first player rolls a 1, he may place one of his sticks in the hollow next to the 1. The player then passes the dice to his neighbor on the left. If he rolls a 3, he can also place one of his sticks in the hollow next to the number 3. This continues until each player has rolled once. If a player rolls a number whose space has already been occupied by a stick, the player must take this stick and clear the space on the box. If a player rolls a 6, he can throw a stick through the hole in the middle of the lid.

From the second round on, each player can decide for himself how many times he wants to roll the dice. As long as he finds a free digit each time and can discard another stick, he can keep rolling the dice. As soon as a player has to pick up a stick, it is the turn of the player to his left.

The goal of six out is to be the first player to have no more sticks in front of him.

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