Dutch Windmill

picture of the complete model of the windmill

Description of the model

3D Model of a typical Dutch wind mill. not only can you print this model and use it ti explain about wind mills, durable energy from wind and have a movable print. you can also use it to teach how to read 2D drawings and project them on a 3D image. the Tactile drawings that are added can be used with the 3D print to see which viewpoint goes with which side of the 3D print.

Printing instructions and tips

depending on the quality of the printer you can print this between 0.15 and 0.3 mm. for the blade, join and beam you can easily set it to 0.3, for the rounded part of the top i would suggest using a lower resolution.


After printing you can glue magnets in the beam and the top for easy (dis)assembly.



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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
  • Zoom with the scroll button.
  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

Additional Models

  • Base-1.stl
  • Beam-1.stl
  • Blades-1.stl
  • Join-Middle-Top-1.stl
  • Middle-1.stl
  • Top-1.stl