With this model, young children can be taught what the position of each dot of the braille cell is. Each puppet lives in one room of the house. This is part of the Dutch method called ‘het Braille house’ and it contains more materials like the baths for puppets. More information at https://www.eduvip.nl/van-braillehuis-naar-braille-letter/ edit: the […]

Summary In special education for MDVI, these interlocking trays can help blind/low vision students with their day schedule in a tactile way. Instructions for use: -Place the objects of reference in the trays to create a day schedule for the student. -When the task is done, the student can drop the object it in the […]

With this model a blind user is able to draw circles with tactile feedback

Protractor (or goniometer) which can be used by blind users because of the tactile elements. assemble the pieces after printing with a bolt

Triangle protractor which can be used by blind users because of the tactile elements.

With these models you will be able to make footprints in sand, clay or gypsum etc. this helps to understand how a foot makes an imprint, but also differences between different kinds of feets and hooves.

This collection of bird heads with different beaks is used to teach young people with vision impairment about the different beaks a bird can have. the collection contains a head of a hawk, a dunlin and a seagull which all have different shaped beaks.

Model of a realistic pyramid. Most of the pyramids out there just have smooth surfaces, but that is not the way the pyramids really look. The model can also be used for diorama’s of other realistic miniature creativity.

This model can be used to teach the layout of a cinema or movie theater to learners with vision impairment. it can benefit both blind learners as well as learners with low vision or CVI. It can help to explain how the seats are positioned and how the room is elevated. The model is scalablem, […]

3D Model of a typical Dutch wind mill. not only can you print this model and use it ti explain about wind mills, durable energy from wind and have a movable print. you can also use it to teach how to read 2D drawings and project them on a 3D image. the Tactile drawings that […]