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Fairly new to 3D printing but with an interest in engineering and design.
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Be part of the community! Share models and tactile graphics, get help with or help others printing educational materials for visually impa...
team members of the 3d4vip project
A picture depicting rows of 6-Dot Braille
2 years ago no Comment

This tool was made to help you add Braille to your 3D models during the design / CAD phase. It can be copied and pasted on to your existing models. It can also be used to make labels, plaques or signs to be added to existing objects. Size and spacing is essential for Braille to […]

A photo of a brightly coloured game spinner featuring a tray around the outside which can hold game pieces.
2 years ago no Comment

A game spinner with 8 sections for the pointer to land in. There is an optional outer ring which can be added to hold game pieces or tokens etc The spinner can either be built to run freely or to click when spinning using the cog and cog spring parts which require to be glued […]

A 3D model of music notation showing the musical staff, a treble cleff, the sharp symbol, a 2 4 time signature and two joined quavers.
2 years ago no Comment

A tactile model of music notation. The musical stave can be made longer using as many of the extension parts as required. All other pieces can be clipped on to the stave or removed as desired. This model was designed and tested as part of the 3D4VIP project.

2 years ago no Comment

A tactile model of a flow chart. Flow charts are used to graphically represent a process and the choices, decisions or results produced by that process. They can be used in many contexts in order to clarify process. This model was designed and tested as part of the 3D4VIP project.

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