5. Extra – Intermediate Haptic Feedback
It is entirely natural for sighted people to see what they are constructing on screen. Designers with a vision impairment, on the other hand, are not only required to have a higher level of abstraction and concentration, they simply cannot recognise when they have made a mistake, when a model does not correspond to the […]
4. Slicing and Hardware Solutions
Work in progress. Coming soon.
2. Special Requirements of Learners with a Vision Impairment
Being a computer-based process, 3D printing requires a certain basic knowledge of operating computers and their peripherals. To design objects the designer must have a basic understanding of shapes and orientation in space. In addition, they should also know about planning and design criteria and how to apply them. Introducing learners with a vision impairment […]
1. Introduction to 3D-Printing with VI-Learners
The benefits of tactile models in teaching learners with a vision impairment are undeniable as you can see in our series of videos on this website. But why should learners themselves design 3D models on the computer and print them with a 3D printer? At first glance, the ability to see is essential for working […]
3. Four 3D-Printing Activities (Didactic Analyses and Examples)
As the explanations in the previous section have shown, the additional requirements for learners with a vision impairment are extremely diverse. Thus, depending on age, individual world experience and previous experience with computers, the objectives in a 3D-printing activity should be individualised. This section presents four different approaches that address different target groups. The purpose […]