Corona Virus

Virus with RNA

Description of the model

half virus model with RNA, part 1 and 2 must be finally glued together.

Printing instructions and tips

Part 1 must be printed with support structure, part 2 must be rotated 180° before printing. Printing must be very slow, increase print bed adhesion with glue stick if necessary. I’m still testing the best slicer settings myself, I’m using Voronoi printing as a guide.
Addition: I have revised part 1 again, on the one hand to make the individual spike proteins a little more stable and on the other hand to improve the detachment of the hemisphere after printing. For this purpose, I created a small recess for the attachment of a lever.

A small note on post-processing: it happened to me that a few spikes broke off when removing the support structure. With a soldering iron they can be “glued” back on without any problems and then hold as freshly printed



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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
  • Zoom with the scroll button.
  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

Additional Models

  • Virus_part2.stl
  • Virus_part1.stl
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